Take Time of R & R
Every Christmas season I end up being exhausted or sick. A whirlwind of commitments take over and along with work at school and my housework, there’s not much time to relax. For years my wish was to slow down and take time for me. Now our house just has us here and things are slowing down. On weekends I’ve been trying to squeeze r & r in my days. My favorite things to do is read, write my blog and watch Christmas movies.
Here are some of my suggestions for busy moms and wives to indulge in r& r
* Watch a holiday movie, better yet do a Christmas movie marathon
* Take a bubble bath and light a candle nearby
* Look through old cookbooks and plan to make a meal or dessert. I do this with my cookie magazines and enjoy it very much
* Call a friend or family member and strike up a conversation. This beats a quick message or text
* Go for a winter walk when it’s snowing…it’s so magical!
* Take a family drive to see neighborhood Christmas lights
Everyone needs rest this time of year, healing therapy for your body and mind. With relaxing and taking good care of yourself, you are banking on healthy and pleasant days ahead! Don’t let the stress of the season take over!
All My Best,
Heart and Soul