It’s Snowing?

Here I am drinking my morning cup of coffee…watching snow fall out the window! It’s late April, on the cusp of May, robins have returned and lilac bushes have sported tender buds. Despite all this, the white stuff falls! Mother Nature has plans to wreck our carefree spirit, the wonderful feeling we have here when spring arrives.
Just yesterday I walked down the road with bounding joy, watching all the birds fly in circles and noticed tiny buds on bushes and plants. The sun warmed our house and yard and I opened windows to invite the fresh spring air in.
As I get ready to go to school, I have to say weather in New Hampshire is tough, but the people are tougher! We will wake up tomorrow with the snow all melted with rings of laughter and head shakes.
As a light snow falls and covers my car…
I’m hopeful that this is just a joke…
and that by afternoon I’ll be sitting in the sun
with a margarita!
All My Best,
Heart and Soul