Three Books on my Bookshelf
One topic I haven’t mentioned yet in my blogging journey is reading. I really love and relish a good book! There’s something about the cover and the wispy turn of the pages, the smell of a book and its placement in my hands that appeals to my inner soul. As a young teenager I read all the Little House on the Prairie books. My brother David exposed me to classics such as Little Women and The Catcher in the Rye and they still sit on my shelf.
I have a bookshelf of favorite books and refer back to many but also visit our small town library. (Especially in the summer) Every summer I joyfully compile my wish list including current bestsellers and recommended novels. As I complete a book, I write about it briefly in my journal and then rate it. At the summers end I notice which book was the best of all and recommend it to others.
If the book doesn’t hold my interest for a few chapters and I’m really not invested in the characters, then it’s exit time. Not every book deserves your time or a spot on your bookshelf. All my books on my shelf have earned the spot and are special enough to be read again and again.
Three books that I own and what I love about them
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
I first read this book in my early twenties. I love how it’s written!Harper Lee is a true storyteller in this classic. Take my advice… do not buy or read the latest published Go Set A watchman, it will surely disappoint you and change your perception of Atticus.
Atticus is my favorite character as he is so good and just. I’ve never watched the movie with Gregory Peck but I wish to. Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes
A few summers ago I picked up this book at a community book sale. The room was filled with potential good summer finds and I stashed books in my bag like a kid in a candy store. The moment I picked up this book I was captivated by the story. Frances Mayes, a gourmet cook, buys a villa in Italy. Her story tells of quaint life in this region and includes recipes and gardening anecdotes. This is a wonderful summer read!
A Year By the Sea ( Thoughts of an Unfinished a Woman) by Joan Anderson
This book appealed to me because it’s an enchanting story of a woman’s growth and transformation. Every married middle aged woman can relate to this story. Even if you are happily married and content with your life, ( like I am proudly) you will find yourself immersed in her story! The strangest coincidence happened while I was reading this a few summers ago…my dear sister was reading it at the very same time and neither of us knew until I told her about it and she showed me its placement on her nightstand.
As summer draws near in the US, I challenge you to start thinking about a summer book wish list. If you live somewhere else in the world and winter is approaching, write a winter book list. Listen to morning news shows in May and early June and jot down their recommendations. As I write mine, I’ll share in a later post.
Happy Reading!
All my Best,
Heart and Soul