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Out and About in the Woods🌲

On a Sunday afternoon in March my husband and I trekked peacefully in the woods. I confess this is the earliest I’ve ever hiked before, usually I do this in May or June. But why not? Temperatures hovered around 40 degrees and the sun filtered pleasantly through the trees. The warmth and chance to explore was calling us!

A path resembling early spring lead us through woods trudged by fellow hikers.Their mysterious footprints danced along the trail, as if to say, this is a place of sheer joy.

This local trail is called the Scotland Brook Wildlife Sanctuary, 102 acres of vast land including northern hardwood forest, wet lands and a fir tree reserve.The usual path we go on was reverted due to fallen trees and various overgrown brush on the trail. Upon reading the sign, you are welcomed to walk a few feet forward down the road and it leads back to the trail.

Crunching snow on the trail….

and stepping over pockets of ice and leaves,

we noticed little bridges every few feet. Cedar logs positioned nicely with timbers on them and cleverly installed chicken wire, which really is a great ice deterrent and provides traction this time of year.

We gawked at everything and anything, as we treaded in awe and wonder of nature’s glory. Majestic trees towered above us and along the path a flat boulder appealed to my inner child. If there hadn’t been patches of snow and ice, I would’ve hopped on it and sat down.

Many animal tracks led the way, accompanying men’s footprints, reminding us that we weren’t alone,a patent reminder of all that share the woods. Coyote,foxes, snowshoe hares, and deer all inhabit this sanctuary and we are honored to be a part of it.The woods came alive with movement all around. Red squirrels skittered about, little acrobats swinging from branch to branch. Sudden movements fluttered from the tree, partridges spooked by our presence.

Evidence of a Snowshoe Hare

Possibly a coyote or fox

A kaleidoscope of brown and gray untamed branches reached here and there, in our view of a magnificent palette of blue. A deep rich blue resembled the sea, as billowy clouds hovered in the mix.

After a few hours hiking and absorbing the tranquility, we both decided that it was medicine and well needed. Cabin fever had set in and it was time to say hello to fresh air, blue sky, and welcome spring!

Walking in the woods puts life in a different perspective, that we are all part of the earth and its majesties. It reminded me that modern technology doesn’t really refresh my soul and that’s why I needed this visit.

Have you walked in the woods or nature lately?

All my Best,

Heart and Soul

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